The headlines are filled: “Police officers being charged & convicted with violating the civil rights of citizens…” and in some cases, they have caused the death of citizens in the flawed name of law enforcement (5 Black ex-Memphis cops are jailed and charged with murder for Tyre Nichols death : NPR; Justice probe finds pervasive abuse and discrimination by police in small Mississippi city | AP News; Office of Public Affairs | Former Police Officer Found Guilty of Violating an Arrestee’s Civil Rights by Using Excessive Force | United States Department of Justice). These citizens are often Black or Brown but what is unconscionable is when the perpetrator looks like them and wears a badge. This is not honorable law enforcement, this is violation of oath and murder.
There are more Good Ones who honor the badge than there are who disgrace the badge.
Imagine a 911 call or a criminal justice system where nobody looks like you.
We support the Honorables who respond with honor to the call because we are MOMS of BOTH.