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2023-2025 Board of Directors

Dr. Rhonda T. Moore, DNP, MBA, RN




Contracted Service


Dr. Rhonda T. Moore, DNP, MBA, RN 



Juanetta Jemison

Caitlyn Brokington

MOMS of BOTH, Inc. began as a passion-project of Dr. Rhonda T. Moore, a passionate mother of three Black children, a Registered Nurse and social activist. One of Dr. Moore's children, a son, had honorably served for more than a decade as a sworn police officer in a large urban community. Throughout her son's career, Dr. Moore found an absence of support for mothers of Black & Brown sons & daughters who served in blue as their chosen career while being unapologetically Black or Brown when not in uniform. 
In May 2020, while participating in a peaceful protest against police brutality, Dr. Moore heard the chants of many in the crowds to “F*CK the Police!.., with calls to “defund the Police!...” and even more ominous calls to “kill the Police!...”. She immediately & reluctantly withdrew herself from that specific peaceful protest while being conflicted in her role as a mother to advocate for her other son who was not in law enforcement. Additionally, she found little to no support or empathy for mothers who lost their law enforcement sons & daughters while they served honorably in the line of duty.   
After thoughtful reflection and discussions with her children and others, Dr. Moore realized that there is opportunity to support and advocate for both of her sons & her daughter in tandem with proactively addressing brutality and unjust profiling by some police in communities of color. 
Hence, MOMS of BOTH, Inc. was birthed and organized with a goal to provide a network of support for Moms of Black and Brown sons and daughters in blue, provide perspective and guidance to organizations with decision-making capacities in sensible law enforcement reform and to participate in peaceful protest against police brutality in communities of color. Dr. Moore sought to be part of striking the balance between creating robust, yet sensible, police reform and providing support to OUR Black children in reaching their full career potential in law enforcement. 
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